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Mymoney 3 Serial

by gregecgavervotio 2020. 10. 29.


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  2. Set a budget, track your expenses, be up to date while keeping the data private to your eyes only. The application has 15 days of Trial Period with full functionality. No in-app purchasing, and not gimmicks. With the myMoney application you can: 1. Track your Bank Accounts Balance 2. Record & Track all transactions, manual & recurring 3.

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  • Python 3.4 (no backward compatibility)
  • PostgreSQL only (no MySQL or SQLite support)



The deployment is the same as any other Django projects. Here is a quicksummary:

  1. install required system packages. For example on Debian:

  2. create a PostgreSQL database in a cluster with role and owner

  3. create a virtualenv:

  4. install dependencies with pip (see Productionor Development)

  5. configure the settings (see Production orDevelopment)

  6. export the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE to easily use the manage.py withthe proper production setting. For example:

  7. import the SQL schema:

  8. create a super user:



WSGI will use the production.py settings, whereas manage.pywill use the local.py by default.


  • Install dependencies (in virtualenv):

  • copy mymoney/settings/production.dist tomymoney/settings/production.py and edit it:

  • install JS libraries first with Bower (seeFrontend) then collect statics files:

  • execute the Django check command and apply fixes if needed:

  • Set up cron tasks on server to execute the following commands:

    This brings loads of possibilities for remote controls, and 3rd party tools to take the tool to the next level.UPnPWith UPnP compatibility, you can stream to and from any other the app instances and play to other UPnP compatible devices in your home with ease.Remote ControlsWith support for hundreds of remote controls, CEC-compatible TVs, or one of the new Smartphone and Tablet Apps, Kodi allows you to control your media your way.Note: Kodi does not provide any media itself. It works with a number of popular backends including MediaPortal, MythTV, NextPVR, Tvheadend and many more.Add-OnsThe real power of the app comes from the vast selection of user created Add-ons that are available though repositories. There are Add-Ons for popular web services, applications and scripts.Web InterfacesInteract with the app using its JSON-RPC based remote interface. Great for keeping track of your progress.PicturesImport pictures into a library and browse the different views, start a slideshow, sort or filter them all using your remote control.PVRKodi for Mac allows you to watch and record live TV all from the GUI interface. Kodi 14.2 for mac.

    • cloning recurring bank transactions:

    • cleanup tasks (only usefull with further user accounts):

At the project root directory, the scripts directory provides bash scriptwrappers to execute these commands.Thus, you could create cron rules similar to something like:

For example, create a file in /etc/cron.d/clonescheduled, and edit:


  • Install dependencies:

  • copy mymoney/settings/local.dist to mymoney/settings/local.py andedit it:


  1. first intall npm (embed with nodejs)

  2. install Bower with npm:

  3. At the project root directory, run the following command to install JSlibraries dependencies:


  1. install gulp globally to use it as a command line tool:

  2. go to the project root directory and install gulp dependencies:

  3. once node packages are installed locally in ./node_modules, youshould be able to execute the following gulp commands implemented ingulpfile.js:

    • js: concat and minify js
    • css: concat and minify css

    To execute all commands at once, from the project root directory, justexecute:


  1. copy mymoney/settings/l10n.dist to mymoney/settings/l10n.py andedit it:

    Further notes about some additional settings:

    • USE_L10N_DIST: Whether to use the minify file including translations.It imply that the translated file is generated with gulp(mymoney.min.<LANGCODE>.js). If false (default), additionnal JStranslations files would be loaded.
    • BOOTSTRAP_CALENDAR_LANGCODE: If USE_L10N_DIST is false, thelanguage code to use to load the translation file at:mymoney/static/bower_components/bootstrap-calendar/js/language/<LANGCODE>.js
    • BOOTSTRAP_DATEPICKER_LANGCODE: If USE_L10N_DIST is false, thelanguage code to use to load the translation file at:mymoney/static/bower_components/bootstrap-datepicker/js/locales/bootstrap-datepicker.<LANGCODE>.js
  2. edit your final setting file to use the l10n configuration instead:

  3. optionally build the minified JS distribution for your language. To achieveit, you first need to have gulp installed. See sectionDevelopment for more details about gulp.The gulpjs accept optional parameters:

    • --lang: the IETF language code of the form : xx-XX. Must be thesame as the Django LANGUAGE_CODE setting.
    • --lang_bt_cal: the Bootstrap calendar language code to use. To see thelist of available code supported, take a look at :mymoney/static/bower_components/bootstrap-calendar/js/language/<LANGCODE>.js
    • --lang_bt_dp: the Bootstrap datepicker language code to use. Becareful, currently the language code must be of the form xx and notxx-XX. To see the list of available language codes, take a look at :mymoney/static/bower_components/bootstrap-datepicker/js/locales/bootstrap-datepicker.<LANGCODE>.js

    For example, for a French minify JS file, you should execute:


    Seems too much verbose to specify 3 arguments for languages butunfortunetly, none of them used the same…


Only French internationalisation/translations are supported fornow. But any contributions are welcome!


To have a quick look, you could generate some data with the followingcommands:

You can also clear any data relatives to the project’s models with:



Whichever method is used, you must create a setting file for testing. Copymymoney/settings/test.dist to mymoney/settings/test.py and edit it:


My Money 3 Serial Number

Ups thermal printer driver mac. You can use Tox. At the project root directory without virtualenv, justexecute:

Behind the scenes, it runs several testenv for:

  • test suites with coverage and report


My Money 3 Serial Killer

  1. install dependencies:

  2. then execute tests:

Se você tiver dificuldade em administrar seu dinheiro e sempre se perguntar onde vai tudo, o MyMoney é uma ótima ferramenta para se ter. Com ele, você pode planejar um orçamento detalhado para não perder a conta de um único centavo.
Com o MyMoney, você pode planejar seus gastos de acordo com determinadas categorias, como aluguel ou hipoteca, compras mensais e assistência a crianças. Isso ajuda a evitar gastar dinheiro com coisas que você não precisa. Este aplicativo inclui uma extensa lista de categorias para que você possa criar facilmente um orçamento mensal personalizado.
Você pode alterar a cor, a quantidade e o nome de cada entrada. Você pode atribuir uma cor a uma determinada categoria ou nome de gastos para poder ver facilmente como esse dinheiro foi gasto. Isso ajuda você a manter tudo sob controle para que não haja surpresas no final do mês.
Por fim, depois de inserir suas informações financeiras, você pode usar o MyMoney para ver um relatório de todas as suas transações, fazendo um balanço mensal ou anual para ajudá-lo a reduzir custos e reorganizar suas finanças.